Moving Us Closer To Osler
A Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence Initiative

What was your favorite conference that you went to, and what stuck with you?

Judy Collins, Publicly available image from Wikimedia Commons.


Multidisciplinary meetings and Judy Collins!

Lifelong Learning in Clinical Excellence | September 6, 2019 | <1 min read


Mike Fingerhood, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

My favorite conference was the 2018 American Society of Addiction Medicine meeting in San Diego that I chaired, with Judy Collins as a speaker telling her story of recovery. She also sang the classics, “Both Sides Now” and “Amazing Grace.”

David Feller-Kopman, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

This is a tough question as many of our professional meetings are like a candy store for adults.  There are so many wonderful teaching and learning opportunities, as well as the chance to meet new colleagues and network with old friends.

My favorite conferences were likely the combined American College of Chest Physicians / Society of Thoracic Surgeons meeting as well as the recent World Congress of Bronchology meeting. Both were true multidisciplinary meetings with pulmonologists & thoracic surgeons exchanging ideas in fabulous settings. For me, the multidisciplinary meetings are the best as different perspectives always lead to learning.

What do you think?

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Rachel Salas, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

American Academy of Neurology annual meeting for sure. One time they rented out Universal Studios for one evening. It was amazing to see so many neurologists having a blast.

Paul O'Rourke, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

My favorite conference was the first conference I presented a poster at in residency – APDIM (the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine).  I was in awe with the excitement for #MedEd and the collegiality of the members. Honored that I now am a part of this incredible organization.