Moving Us Closer To Osler
A Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence Initiative

Enhancing mental health awareness


Asking specific questions can be helpful in screening for mental health disorders. A few of my favorites include asking about new difficulties with sleep, changes in appetite or weight, and how much alcohol patients are drinking.

We’re re-featuring this piece today in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month 2024.


May has been designated “Mental Health Awareness Month,” and much has been written in the media recently about the importance of supporting practices that promote positive mental health. But how might clinicians detect possible declines in the mental health of their patients, friends, family, and colleagues?  


There’s no simple way to detect mental health changes that could be concerning. Sometimes people will directly express that they’re struggling emotionally with feelings of depression, anxiety, or stress. At times, worried family members may reach out to clinicians directly to express their concerns about another family member’s mental health. During office visits, a number of routine questions can be especially helpful in identifying possible mental health changes that may need attention: 


1. Have you had any new difficulties falling or staying asleep?

2. Have you had a change in appetite and/or weight? 

3. Have you had any difficulty concentrating? 

4. Have you had any difficulty motivating yourself?

5. Have you been drinking more alcohol than usual or than recommended?


What can we do if we’re concerned that a patient may be experiencing a decline in mental health or well-being?

The first step is to appreciate that non-judgmental, empathic listening is of therapeutic value itself. Listening to patient’s candid concerns, with the goal to simply understand what they’re experiencing, is validating and supportive. Depending on the nature of the symptoms and how they’re impacting daily functioning, it may be appropriate to refer the individual for counseling or psychiatric evaluation. Certainly, whenever you’re worried that a patient may be in danger of self-harm, it’s vital to take immediate action. This may involve ensuring that the individual has an urgent psychiatric assessment, which may require going to the nearest emergency room. It may also mean, with the patient’s permission, including a close family member, such as spouse or partner or adult child, in the conversation. 


The importance of self-care

It’s always helpful to remind patients about the importance of self-care that supports mental and emotional well-being, such as getting seven to nine hours of sleep at night, ensuring good nutrition, engaging in regular exercise, limiting alcohol, and limiting time spent on social media or the news that can be disturbing. Using relaxation apps such as Headspace and Calm can also be beneficial. Sensitivity to mental health concerns are important year-round, and not just during Mental Health Awareness Month. These are helpful measures that are valuable for all of us, all the time.








This piece expresses the views solely of the author. It does not necessarily represent the views of any organization, including Johns Hopkins Medicine.