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A Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence Initiative

Happy Friday the 13th! What’s your fave scary movie?


How about a frightening film for Friday the 13th? Here are a few to keep you up all night.

Passion in the Medical Profession | October 13, 2023 | <1 min read


Dr. Richard Wardrop, Cleveland Clinic

I’m not a huge fan of horror, but if I had to pick a favorite, I’ll go with Stephen King’s “The Shining,” the scariest move ever made IMHO.

Dr. Elizabeth Gundersen, University of Colorado

“Silence of the Lambs” with Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster.

What do you think?

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Dr. Valerie Fitzhugh, Rutgers University

“A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984)

Dr. Jeff Millstein, Penn Medicine

“Cape Fear”

Gretchen Miller, CLOSLER editor

When I was 12 and wanted to watch “The Exorcist” my mother warned me not to. Of course I did, was scared silly, and haven’t watched a horror movie since lol.

Dr. Frank Cacace


Dr. Colleen Christmas, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Not scary but certainly disturbing, and yet also strikingly beautiful, is “Midsommer.”  Scary scary—another vote for “The Shining.”

Dr. Margaret Chisolm, Johns Hopkins Medicine

“Killer Joe.” Terrifying.