Moving Us Closer To Osler
A Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence Initiative

How do you plan to spend Memorial Day?


“I always take a little time to pause, reflect on, and feel gratitude for those who have served to protect and grow our still very imperfect country, and then try to set personal intentions for ways I can contribute to a more just society.”-Dr. Colleen Christmas, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Passion in the Medical Profession | May 26, 2023 | <1 min read


I always take a little time to pause, reflect on, and feel gratitude for those who have served to protect and grow our still very imperfect country, and then try to set personal intentions for ways I can contribute to a more just society.

Dr. Colleen Christmas, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Grateful for and in awe of those who serve. I'll be thinking of my parents on Memorial Day. I lost them both this past year. Dad served in Hawaii and Mom moved there from Brooklyn for a year. 

Dr. Eric Last

I'll be remembering the courageous people who sacrificed so much for our country.

Dr. Howard Liu

I plan to visit Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. to reflect and pay respects to fallen soldiers, colleagues, and friends who have been laid to rest there.

Dr. Richard Schaefer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I hope to spend it full of gratitude, the laughter of family and friends, and a long deep breath to truly rest and relax.

Dr. Richard Wardrop, Cleveland Clinic

I'm an Australian interloper and have never commemorated Memorial Day before. I think I'll sit in the sunshine and reflect on my time in the U.S. while I people watch around the Baltimore harbor.

Dr. Rachel Coghlan, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Spending some time reflecting and being with family.

Dr. Jeff Millstein, Penn Medicine

Climbing and hiking in Colorado. So grateful for those who have sacrificed to save our wild lands.

Gretchen Miller, editor, closler

Working in the peds ICU.

Dr. Jenna Miller, Mercy Children's Hospital

Enjoying a day off!

Dr. Jillian Bybee

Dr. Colleen Christmas, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I always take a little time to pause, reflect on, and feel gratitude for those who have served to protect and grow our still very imperfect country, and then try to set personal intentions for ways I can contribute to a more just society.

Dr. Eric Last

Grateful for and in awe of those who serve. I’ll be thinking of my parents on Memorial Day. I lost them both this past year. Dad served in Hawaii and Mom moved there from Brooklyn for a year.

What do you think?

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Dr. Howard Liu

I’ll be remembering the courageous people who sacrificed so much for our country. My rotation at a Veteran’s hospital is what inspired me to choose psychiatry, and I appreciate all the veterans and military families who miss a friend or loved one.

Dr. Richard Schaefer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I plan to visit Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. to reflect and pay respects to fallen soldiers, colleagues, and friends who have been laid to rest there.

Dr. Richard Wardrop, Cleveland Clinic

I hope to spend it full of gratitude, the laughter of family and friends, and a long deep breath to truly rest and relax.

Dr. Rachel Coghlan, Bloomberg School of Public Health

I’m an Australian interloper and have never commemorated Memorial Day before. I think I’ll sit in the sunshine and reflect on my time in the U.S. while I people watch around the Baltimore harbor.

Dr. Jeff Millstein, Penn Medicine

Spending some time reflecting and being with family.

Gretchen Miller, editor, closler

Climbing and hiking in Colorado. So grateful for those who have sacrificed to save our wild lands.

Dr. Jenna Miller, Mercy Children's Hospital

Working in the peds ICU.

Dr. Jillian Bybee

Enjoying a day off!