Moving Us Closer To Osler
A Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence Initiative

What is something from your background (non-science) that helps you take care of patients?

"Working on a dairy farm and cheese factory, I got used to a rigorous job."-Dr. Jill Murphy


Waitressing, babysitting, farming, cheerleading . . .

Passion in the Medical Profession | January 20, 2023 | <1 min read


Dr. Colleen Christmas, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Waitressing. I learned that every bit of the encounter impacted how people experience the meal (and the size of the tip) so need to do your job, help others, and check to be sure others did theirs too. You never deserve all the credit when things go well, nor full blame when they don’t.

Dr. AJ Swain

Being a lifelong book lover has made me more empathic and curious. Discovering narrative medicine brought two passions together!

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Margot Kelly-Hedrick, medical student, Duke University

Babysitting! Babysitting taught me the most about working with kids and (perhaps more importantly) parents.

Dr. Jill Murphy

Working on a dairy farm and cheese factory, I got used to a rigorous job. More importantly I learned humility. Letters after your name doesn’t make you better than the patients you serve. #respect

Dr. Katherine Chretien, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I was a cheerleader for a college football team on a four-year losing streak. While I couldn’t change the outcome, I could show up, share hope, and be a constant supportive presence.

Dr. Elizabeth Gundersen, Florida Atlantic University

I was a religion minor. Studying different belief systems has helped me approach others with openness instead of judgment and have a profound respect for patients’ spirituality.

Dr. Richard Schaefer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Playing team sports while growing up helped prepare me for the teamwork required to care for patients.

Dr. Tina Zhang, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Being a loyal Baltimore @Orioles and @Ravens fan has helped connect with patients as a PCP in Baltimore!

Dr. Aline Charabaty, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Worked as a barista in a coffee shop during my BS in genetics McGill. I learned that a simple kind gesture or word and a bit of extra care go a long way in making someone else’s day better.

Dr. Jeff Millstein, Penn Medicine

Studying jazz improvisation helped me understand collaboration and active listening.