“I hope we can all see the common humanity in those with whom we disagree.”-Dr. Jeff Millstein, Penn Medicine
Passion in the Medical Profession | January 7, 2022 | <1 min read
I hope we can all see the common humanity in those with whom we disagree.
Dr. Jeff Millstein, Johns Hopkins Medicine
To reclaim the feeling of uninhibited joy.
Dr. Claire Crawford, Texas Children's
Being able to disagree without being disagreeable.
Dr. Eric Last
I’m hoping to do less of the things that aren’t meaningful to me and more of the things that are.
Dr. Elizabeth Gundersen, Florida Atlantic University
Letting go of negative feelings.
Dr. Mike Fingerhood, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Hoping that more people will think about the well-being of all - hopefully COVID has taught that? We're all tied together like it or not.