Moving Us Closer To Osler
A Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence Initiative

What’s something you’ve given up during the pandemic that you don’t want to return to?

"I've given up wearing dress shoes in clinic. When the pandemic started I switched to machine-washable tennis shoes, much more comfortable!"—Dr. Laura Hanyok, Johns Hopkins Medicine


Presenteeism, overcrowded waiting rooms, and uncomfortable clothes!

Passion in the Medical Profession | April 2, 2021 | <1 min read


Mariah Robertson, MD, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Wearing uncomfortable pants! (joking/not joking)

And no more rushing my meals to get to and fro. When I’m not in clinic I step away from my computer and eat quietly. I’m going to try and keep this up, even if only for 20 minutes.

Dr. Carl Streed, Boston Medical Center

Presenteeism: the practice of coming to work despite illness.

What do you think?

Do you want to add to the conversation? Please share!

Dr. Colleen Christmas, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Driving across town for just one meeting.

Dr. David Kopacz, University of Washington

Cynicism and despair.

Dr. Megan Berger

Crowded, full medical waiting rooms—#patientcentered!

Dr. Eric Last

Traffic and overcrowded airports.

Dr. Margaret Chisolm, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I’ve given up business travel and plant to continue to limit it (was twice monthly and I’m hoping to keep it to once quarterly).

Margot Kelly-Hedrick, med student, Duke University

Shopping! I’ve realized how many things I can go without.

Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I’m hoping telemeetings will now be a standard option. I don’t miss the days of driving from one campus to the next to be in-person for one meeting.

Dr. Ambereen Mehta, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Eating out! I love that I’ve been challenged to cook more for myself.

Dr. Laura Hanyok, Johns Hopkins Medicine

I’ve given up the mad dash to home/daycare at the end of the workday, as either I’m teleworking or the traffic is now nonexistent. Hoping that continues, at least for a few days of the week.

I’ve also given up wearing dress shoes in clinic. When the pandemic started I switched to machine-washable tennis shoes and I think I might continue that.